[ODE] ODE used in nesnausk's 3D demo

Adam Moravanszky adam.moravanszky at novodex.com
Wed Jun 1 13:18:53 MST 2005

Congrats, very nice demo!  For some reason I thought that the robot 
would also eventually fall apart...


Aras Pranckevicius wrote:

>Hi all,
>Just a small announcement: I've used ODE for collision/physics in our
>latest realtime 3D demo. The demo webpages is here:
>http://www.nesnausk.org/inoutside , direct link to
>downloads/screenshots here: http://www.nesnausk.org/inoutside/Demo.php
>What was used: sweep-and-prune collision space, heavy tweaking to
>auto-disable and solver parameters and huge hacks to speed up the most
>intense parts. Overall, ODE worked rock solid!

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