[ODE] Balancing a bike

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Mon Jan 8 13:48:31 MST 2007

An Amotor is used to constrain rotational velocity. If you want 
rotational position, you can drive the Amotor each step with a target 
velocity that would result in the motorbike taking the appropriate angle.


          / h+

James Steele wrote:
> I'm in the middle of trying to implement the dynamics required for a 
> motorcycle and currently, am working on ways to balance the bike also 
> cause it to lean into a turn.
> To get a quick and dirty version going, I just applied a fixed torque 
> value multiplied by the inner-product between the up-vector of the 
> body's rotation and a unit y-vector.  To avoid unwanted oscillations (as 
> this was essentially a spring) I dampened the torque by a force 
> multiplied by the angular velocity around the body's at-vector.
> While this does work, it's rather limited.  What I really need is to 
> specify a desired "up-vector"  for the body, and use a  joint motor to 
> control the torque required to orient the body correctly. So my question 
> is; is there an existing joint in ODE that will allow me to constrain 
> ONLY THE ROTATION around one-axis of a single body?
> If not, how easy would it be to implement a joint in ODE that does 
> this?  Is there anybody who can give me some hints on this? 
> thanks in advance!
> James
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