[ODE] Changing time step realtime?

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Mon Apr 16 12:08:26 MST 2007

You will have an instability when you change the time step, but that's a 
one-time event in this case (i e, you might want to double the step, or 
add 0.01 to it, or something, if the CPU is too slow). Things lying on 
the floor will "bounce" the step after you change the time step, but if 
the time step is then consistent, they will settle down (assuming you 
dampen the system properly in general).


          / h+

Jacob Ole Juul Kolding wrote:
> Hello List
> I know that the simulation time step has to be static in order for the 
> simulation to be accurate.
> My question concerns the scenario where on a slow CPU the time of the 
> simulation is larger than the delta time to be simulated.
> Is it possible to start at a certain delta time and then increase it 
> if the CPU is to slow?
> Sincerely
> Jacob Kolding
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