[ODE] How to build ODE with mingw?

Jahen Hellberg jaahenberg at luukku.com
Tue Sep 5 10:33:07 MST 2006

I have Dev-c++ and mingw on my computer. Gcc, g++, make and such programs are located in directory D:\Dev-cpp\bin.

I extracted the ode package to D:\Dev-cpp\bin\ode-060223 and tried to start building by typing "make --directory=ode-060223 configure" but instead of compiling it, make reports the following:

D:\Dev-Cpp\bin>make --directory=ode-060223 configure
make: Entering directory `D:/Dev-Cpp/bin/ode-060223'
g++ -DdDOUBLE -DdNODEBUG -o configurator.exe configurator.c
configurator.c:56:19: no include path in which to search for stdio.h
configurator.c:57:20: no include path in which to search for stdlib.h

How could i make g++ understand to search include files from D:\Dev-cpp\include or how could i make it work other way?

Thanks for all help

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