[ODE] Problem with rolling

gero.mueller@cloo.de gero.mueller at cloo.de
Sat Oct 7 11:40:03 MST 2006

As you say yourself: you have to put the yaw to the end of the matrix  
Try to set yaw to zero in the dRFromEulerAngles-function. and create  
another quat with pitch and roll set to zero. then multiply the yaw  
quat from the right t the oitch/roll quat and continue.

Thats what i would do.

Good luck
p.s. my first post here :-P

Lubomir Kazasov <nebemore at gmx.net> schrieb:

>   hello
> i'm trying to rotate body in my scene, but there is a problem with
> rolling.
> I store the current rotation of the body in quaternion (rotQuat). by
> key-input i compute the new rotation using Euler Angles and store the
> result in another Quaternion (newQuat).
> After that i multiply the quaternions:
> /bodyQuat = newQuat * bodyQuat;/(1)
> and apply the bodyQuat on the body using /dBodySetQuaternion/. When I
> pitch and after that yaw, the body yaws around the local z
> Axis(x,y,z-up).it's normal. But I want the body to yaw always around
> the world z Axis. So i changed the order in (1) to
> /bodyQuat = bodyQuat * newQuat ;/(2)
> and it works for yaw and pitch perfect. The big problem is the roll.
> When I roll after that is everything wrong. (in both cases)
> What is the best way to become the body yawing always around the
> global z-axis independent from the pitch and the roll. By pitch and
> roll the body have to rotate around local axes x(for pitch) and y(for
> roll).
> Any ideas?
> here a piece of code:
> dMatrix3 matrixEuler;
> dRFromEulerAngles (matrixEuler, stepPitch, stepRoll, stepYaw);
>   //stepPitch/Roll/Yaw are set by user input. for examlpe stepPitch=0,
> stepRoll=0, stepYaw=angle;
> //transform matEuler to Quaternion
> dRtoQ(matrixEuler, newQuat);
> //multiply like in formula (2)
> dQMultiply0(bodyQuat, bodyQuat, newQuat );
> //set new Quaternion
> dBodySetQuaternion (bodyId, newQuat);

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