[ODE] Rope Simulation

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Thu Aug 3 09:11:37 MST 2006

achaudhry wrote:
> P.Note:-In both cases the motion is jerky coz rope length changes by
> cyclinders length. and if i reduce the length of the cylinder, the rope is
> unable to take the weight of the object hanging by it, which is not too heavy
> but of reasonable mass. 

Lower the suspension point of the rope (the attachment point) without 
adding another segment, until you have space to insert another segment; 
then you attach the segment to the top of the rope and the segment to 
the top of the ceiling again.

Note that you don't need to render the rope the same way you simulate 
it; you always render it going all the way up.


             / h+

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