[ODE] Rope Simulation

achaudhry achaudhry at ariworld.com
Thu Aug 3 05:45:18 MST 2006

I am trying to simulate an object hanging from a height, under gravity throug
a rope. 

as suggested, my rope now comprises of capped cylinders(capsule's) and for
dropping the object down I am simply adding one more cylinder at the top end
of the rope. 

But since the cylinder has finite length, thus the hole rope drops down by the
cylinders length at one single go, thus making the whole things look jerky. 

currently i am using ball and socket joints for the rope connections. 

can anyone suggest me ways to smothen the dropping of the rope, as well as for
pulling the rope up. 

P.Note:-In both cases the motion is jerky coz rope length changes by
cyclinders length. and if i reduce the length of the cylinder, the rope is
unable to take the weight of the object hanging by it, which is not too heavy
but of reasonable mass. 

Any help will be gr8. 

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