[ODE] Car wheels

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Sun Oct 16 09:53:46 MST 2005

For wheels, people use simple raycasts, or spheres.

For barrels, my suggestion is to use a ccylinder joined with an 
(interpenetrating) box whose sides are about 0.6 * diameter of the 
ccylinder, and whose height is ccylinder height + radius. That way, it 
stands flat, but rolls right.


			/ h+

Morgan McGuire wrote:
> ODE doesn't have true cylinders--so what do you use for car wheels and oil
> barrels?  A sphere or capped cylinder sticks out too far for a wheel and won't
> sit flat like a barrel.  Boxes don't roll very well, and triangle mesh objects
> are expensive and don't work at high speed.
> -m
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