[ODE] ODE crashs? stack overflow?

Jon Watte hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Fri Mar 25 13:03:14 MST 2005

> Sometimes I observe this as well. In my situation, it mostly affects
> very light objects that have their mass distribution

If you're using floats (not doubles), then the minimum mass should 
not be less than 0.1, and the maximum mass should not be more than 10, 
for good stability.

With doubles, you can expand this to 0.01 and 100.

If you're actually doing things in the range of 10 kg to 1000 kg, then 
scale by 1/100, and scale the forces/torques the same. If you really 
want a range of 0.01 kg to 10000 kg using only floats, then I suggest 
using square-root of the mass for the actual mass, which will bring 
things more towards 1 while keeping "enough" of the mass ratio.


			/ h+

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