[ODE] ODE in Myst V: A Postmortem

Charlls Quarra charlls_quarra at yahoo.com.ar
Fri Jul 1 13:35:28 MST 2005

 --- Colin Bonstead <colin at cyan.com> escribió:

> Really though, I'm just not a big fan of the whole
> ERP thing.  In Havok, 
> if a collision couldn't be resolved in one step it
> would just give up 
> and those objects would stop colliding.  That
> obviously wasn't the best 
> solution, since in the cases where it did happen the
> avatar or a dynamic 
> physical would just drop through the floor. 
> However, it was pretty rare 
> that that would happen.  

 Actually i remember a fair number of times i swimmed
into the underneath darkness behind the floor in the
desert and the garden age, but this will esentially
will always be an issue until true continuous
collision detection and physics becomes cheap to use

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