[ODE] Re: Physically modelled camer

Sergey Beloshitsky sergey at rostok-games.com.ua
Fri Feb 4 18:40:08 MST 2005

Megan Fox wrote:

>It's definately necessary, just don't assume that the collision point
>of the ray is exactly where the camera should sit every frame. 
>Without some sort of movement smoothing, your camera jumps all over
>the place.
>You also want it to lag a bit to handle bizarre see-through geometry. 
>Imagine, for instance, the player standing with her back to a jail
>cell.  As the ray pans across the bars, it sees very close!, very far,
>very close!, very far... etc.  You need to make sure that jogging is
>smoothed out.
yes you are right, maybe ray solution is not correct but  I think it may 
help  in some cases, it can be used as addition to main algorithm, but 
there must be main algorithm :) 

>-Megan Fox
>>Thanks all for help.
>>I also was thinking about sphere approximation, but there are still some
>>issues, for example if player situated in the house, but camera sits
>>outdoors, in this case camera's sphere does not collide, but there is
>>wall between camera and player, so i think one must add also ray
>>connecting player and camera or something like this.
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