[ODE] Should trimeshes react to physics?

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Mon Dec 12 11:15:00 MST 2005

> Even when limited to box collisions, trimeshes are not all that stable. It 
> mostly depends on the spacing of triangles. If there are few triangles the 
> results are quite good, but with higher density meshes (e.g. terrain) the 
> collider creates too many and often times conflicting contacts that break 
> the solver.

That happens when you have lots of small, connected cubes colliding 
against a larger cube, too. You have to filter contacts on a per-body 
basis, no matter where those contacts are coming from.

Or just deal with mostly same-sized primitives in collision.


			/ h+

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