[ODE] Making it build again

Jon Watte hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Fri Sep 24 21:53:27 MST 2004

> 2.  Any project which requires warnings to be treated as errors to improve
> product quality lacks experienced, skilled developers, proper management,
> and proper quality control systems.

You and I clearly disagree on this. Clearly, there are others on 
the list that agree with me. Clearly, the guy who added the new 
warnings agrees with you. Fact remains: build breaks for some of 
us when new warnings are introduces.

As for the warnings you suggested, all of them are fixable. For 
example, instead of casting bool to int, you can write bool ? 1 : 0. 
For the while(1) case, you can write for(;;){} (which is the 
original idiom, anyway).

Just getting into the habit of fixing warnings BEFORE you run 
your code is about the same as getting into the habit of commenting 
your code: you're better off for doing it. That's my opinion; you 
may disagree. I really don't want an argument on this list; I said 
my piece.


		/ h+

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