[ODE] jointFeeback... help please

Davide Faconti facontidavide at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 25 15:47:01 MST 2004

Dear All,

I have read the documentation, but still there is something not clear on 
dJointSetFeedback output.
As many of you, I am using this function to obtain the torque that a 
servomotor gives on the joint of a robotic system. It is a robot harm with 
just 3 hinges.
Since, as far as I know, the torque is in global coordinates, to obtain the 
motor torque I use the function dBodyVectorFromWorld to obtain the torque in 
the body coordinate.

For me it is also a bit confusing that t2 is different from t1 in the 
dJointFeedback struct... probably I am saying something stupid, but 
according to the newton laws, shouldn't it be the same? If not, how do I use 
these values to understand the motor's torque?

best regards


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