[ODE] All Terrain Robot

Abheek Bose abheek.bose at gmail.com
Mon Oct 11 14:55:15 MST 2004

The problem now seems to be something different. The robot seems to
lean on one side and this position is stable since the wheels are
basically spheres (Although represented by cylinders) because of this
leaning, the wheels on the other side rise up and lose contact with
the ground and hence slip causing the robot to move backwards.

One thing i have noticed is that if I increase the softness of the
wheels (causing the wheels to be embedded on the ground) then the
wheels tend to slip at a later stage.. which is to say that the other
set of wheels take time to rise above the ground level

My question is now, is this realistic or is this because of the
spherical wheels. I guess the same effect will occur in case of Capped

If this is not realistic, Is there any solution to this? 



On Fri, 8 Oct 2004 00:15:48 +0200, Michael Rauh <michael.rauh at gmail.com> wrote:
> > My name is Abheek and I am trying to simulate an all terrain robot. The
> > problem is that the robot is unable to turn on the spot (probably due to
> > massive friction on the wheels)
> Set FDir1 in the direction the wheels are rolling, and set Slip2 to
> some reasonable value. That should help with that problem.
> Greets
> Michael

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