[ODE] Contact sound generation

Bob Dowland Bob.Dowland at blue52.co.uk
Thu Nov 4 12:04:59 MST 2004

might there be some way to tie in surface/structural props..?

ie friction and restitution coefficients - I've not had a chance to try this yet but it occurred to me that one might be able to set up some correspondence between restitution and "loudness" on the basis of some very simple model like "the energy that is disipated should become sound", maybe friction coeff could also be making a contribution to frequency say... one could perhaps increase the realism (in the direction of a decent approx) by having some representation of the bodies material makeup, I'm thinking along the lines of things like natural frequency / resonance etc..

what makes a sound other than frequency and loudness..? could a sound signature be concocted on the fly like this?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon Watte [mailto:hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org]
> Sent: 04 November 2004 01:20
> To: Megan Fox
> Cc: Will Thimbleby; ode at q12.org
> Subject: RE: [ODE] Contact sound generation
> But two boxes sliding against each other would still make two sounds 
> for the one contact, whereas a box sliding on gravel and on metal at 
> the same time would only make one sound.
> Thus, I prefer keeping a hash table of <object,object> tuples and 
> keep object pair sound data in that table. When objects stop making 
> noise, they go away from this table so that repeated bouncing can 
> still make repeated sounds.
> Anyway, both ways will work :-)
> Cheers,
> 			/ h+
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Megan Fox [mailto:shalinor at gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 3:22 PM
> To: Jon Watte
> Cc: Will Thimbleby; ode at q12.org
> Subject: Re: [ODE] Contact sound generation
> To get around the multiple sound problem (6 different contacts per
> object per scene, or whatever), as well as the stacking sounds problem
> (one at full volume, then the next frame, one at slightly less volume,
> etc - spirals out quickly), you might consider sound states rather
> than just generating sounds.
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