[ODE] AutoDisable issue?

Adam D. Moss adam at gimp.org
Mon May 24 15:03:38 MST 2004

Mohsin Hasan wrote:
> Ideally if all bodies in a space are disabled, it shouldn't even generate
> the AABBs for the geoms as none of the objects is moving. And once an object
> is enabled, only then AABBs be generated and all the enabled bodies should
> be tested with other bodies (enabled or disabled). This will remove the
> checks for disabled-disabled bodies altogether and should improve
> performance. This means there should no longer be collision callbacks
> generated for disabled-disabled bodies

I like getting callbacks for static-static collisions (some of these
static geoms might have been placed by hand exactly for probing
collisions for AI, camera, etc).  However, there's an easy (?) way
to completely remove static-static collisions from consideration: put
moving geometry in a different space to static geometry, and only ask
ODE to test collisions between the static-moving and moving-moving
spaces.  This is fairly easy if the app does its own autodisable,
and just a bit harder if you use ODE's autodisable (you'll have
to crawl all of the world bodies manually each frame looking for
geoms which have been newly woken or put to sleep, to move them
into the right space... whereas if you were doing app-level
autodisable you'd be doing that sort of thing anyway :) ).

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam at gimp.org   http://www.foxbox.org/   co:3

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