[ODE] AutoDisable issue?

Adam D. Moss adam at gimp.org
Mon May 24 08:51:38 MST 2004

Mohsin Hasan wrote:
> When the simulation starts all the bodies get autodisabled and the stack is
> perfectly resting. I am getting an average FPS of 245 FPS. I drop a sphere
> from top and all the stacks collapse with cubes all over the ground.
> Simulation speed varies by dropping to 50 FPS to 230 FPS to again 50 FPS and
> finally when all the bodies get disabled I get a stable 145 FPS... 100 less
> than the original disabled bodies FPS I was getting. Why is that?

There's more going on than simulation.  The extra time is probably
being taken up by colliding the rather different distribution of
geoms, even though they're disabled (I don't think that ODE culls
away collisions between pairs of disabled bodies until fairly late,
but I could be wrong).  The penalty for that will vary depending
on the type of Space used.

But then, you could always profile and stop guessing.

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam at gimp.org   http://www.foxbox.org/   co:3

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