[ODE] quickStep doesn't work for me.

Joe Ante joe at uti.is
Wed May 19 01:09:23 MST 2004


Quick step is really really great. Its a huge improvement over the fast step
iterative solver. It is actually possible to create a box stack that is
stable! (This was just not possible with the old iterative solver without
autodisable...) It is also a lot faster than the old iterative solver.

I only looked at the boxstack test so far for testing. And the gravity is at
.5. I think this is a bit dangerous because it is actually not stress
testing the solver much. We usually use gravity ranging from 10 to 15 in our
If you just change the gravity to 10 in the box stack it starts jittering
quite a bit. Granted, the old lcp solver is having problems with that low
framerates and big gravities, but I think if you want to simlulate a real
game situation, giving it too much gravity and then looking how to improve
the results is a lot better than giving it too little.

O physics engines use this "trick" to make their physics demos as well. Eg.
Novodex boxstack demo has very little gravity.
I havent tested if it gets a lot more unstable if you add a lot more gravity
but I can only assume that it doesn¹t get better.

Still I must say. You are awesome Russ.

Joe Ante

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