[ODE] Denormal Floating Values

Jon Watte hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Tue Mar 16 09:30:43 MST 2004

> Did someone encounter similar CPU-Problems? I can't believe that I'm
> the only/first one having such issues.

We round/truncate all values to a specified precision between each physics step (and we use a fixed time step). This is using a non-ODE physics engine, though, but should be the same.

Also, setting the floating point control word to use 64-bit registers instead of 80-bit registers will be necessary if you want similar operation across architectures. Note that some APIs (like DirectX, GDI, and others) may change the control word from underneath you, so you have to re-set it when it changes, too.

Unless you're using StepFast() -- I think StepFast() uses rand() internally and thus isn't necessarily consistent without extra work.


			/ h+

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