[ODE] velocity problem

arnaud lapeyrade nonolap at club-internet.fr
Sun Mar 7 18:12:49 MST 2004


I have a a problem to setting body velocity. I want to move a cube by
applying forces. I have to use some formules (in my subject)  to calculate
these forces. But they did'n't work if the velocity is too low. So when the
user push a direction I want to apply a specific velocity to my box. So I do

if (velocity < 1.0f)
     dVector3 v;
     float temp_vitesse;
     float temp_ecart;
     float percentage;

     dBodyGetRelPointVel (this->body,0,0,0,v);
     temp_vitesse = sqrtf(NyoSqrf(v[0]) + NyoSqrf(v[1]) + NyoSqrf(v[2]));
     if (temp_vitesse != 0.000f)
          t emp_ecart = 1.1f - temp_vitesse;
         percentage = temp_ecart / temp_vitesse;
          v[0] = v[0] + v[0] * percentage;
          v[1] = v[1] + v[1] * percentage;
         v[2] = v[2] + v[2] * percentage;


so after this code I have my body velocity at 1.1 -> no problem

but when I apply forces to the next loops, this velocity don't move and stay
at 1.1. However my forces are and more important.

I don't understand why my velocity doesn't increase.

Please help me


P.S: sorry for muy bad english

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