[ODE] Problems compiling collision_cylinder_box.cpp v0.5 on Borland C++ Builder

Amund Børsand amund at offroad.no
Thu Jun 3 01:47:39 MST 2004

I get these errors:

[C++ Error] collision_cylinder_box.cpp(194): E2034 Cannot convert 'float *' to 'float[4]'
[C++ Error] collision_cylinder_box.cpp(194): E2342 Type mismatch in parameter 'a' (wanted 'float ( &) const[4]', got 'float *')

int _cldTestAxis(sCylinderBoxData& cData, dVector3& vInputNormal, int
iAxis )
	// check length of input normal
	dReal fL = dVector3Length(vInputNormal); // <- error occurs here

I'm not familiar enough with the C++ and Borland syntax quirks, but it
seems to me that the float[4] are lying on the stack, is that correct?
As opposed to a normal float * pointing to the heap. Well, does anyone
know some way to get around this, is there a secret compiler switch or a
quick hack to it? There are quite a lot of the same error occuring
further down.


Amund Børsand <amund £ offroad . no>

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