[ODE] Problem with slider joint

Jon Watte hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Fri Aug 27 09:20:44 MST 2004

> Setting the low and high joint limit on the slider to the 
> same value may not yield the expected behavior.

One reason for this is that the setting functions check to 
make sure that you don't (even temporarily) set cross-wise 
limits. The problem with this is that setting first low then 
high won't necessarily work -- you have to set each of the 
limits twice for them to actually stick!

Someone posted about this the other day, and I wasn't aware 
of it until then, but checking the code holds this out. I 
think this behavior is Not Desirable (tm) and I can't remember 
seeing any caution about it in the documentation, either.


		/ h+

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