[ODE] Car Simulation(Lots of problems)

Jon Watte hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Thu Aug 12 01:47:36 MST 2004

> Have you noticed the wheels spinning in a strange way if you are trying to
> get the car to a halt? If you press backwards for a moment while car is
> moving slowly forward, you can get the wheels to spin backwards for a second
> and then continue spinning forward. Do you know the reason for that?

Yeah, I think this is the friction model. You can actually get 
the wheels to stand still, and the car to coast forward just a 
smidgen per frame. I haven't dived into detail on this -- it 
COULD be something stupid, like me using the wrong fDir1 and 
Slip2 parameters, but I think it's something subtler.

> Also, the car seems to rotate a bit too fast when moving very slowly. Are
> you using some additional tweaks for rotation, besides normal steering?

Nope, just steering. I did add the different steering angles 
for inner/outer wheel after I built that demo, though, and 
that improves things a little bit.

> Finally, which solver is that? :)

The main source file is in the archive, so minus points for 
asking ;-) It's dWorldQuickStep, with 0.01 time step.


			/ h+

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