[ODE] Distance between two objects

Jon Watte hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Mon Apr 19 13:10:07 MST 2004

> > or less difficulty.  However, if you're using arbitrary trimeshes, the
> > problem is very hard, and you may have to suffer approximations.

> To be a little more precise: there's a simple, exact solution.  Just 
> loop over all pairs of triangles (where 1st triangle of the pair is from 
> the 1st trimesh, and 2nd triangle is from the 2nd trimesh), and find the 

And, without spending horribly long on it, you can turn o(N*M) into 
o((N/2)*log(M)). Only test triangles on the "close half" of the smaller 
mesh, and use a log(M) structure (like the AABB trees that OPCODE has) 
to accelerate the queries for the larger mesh. Note small ordo, so constants 
count ;-)

Curiously, turning this into log(N)*log(M) is significantly more 


			/ h+

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