(link errors) Re: [ODE] VC6 Workspace out of date

gl gl at ntlworld.com
Sun Apr 11 08:52:14 MST 2004

> BTW: gl - the VC6 "Debug" configuration for the test programs doesn't list
> oded.lib and opcode_d.lib in the linker->input ; it has ode.lib and
> opcode.lib

?  Almost all the samples don't link explicitly with the libs at all - they
get the right lib implicitly from the inserted Ode/Opcode workspaces.  I did
find a couple that had a leftover ode lib reference, but it was the correct
one (so it won't cause problems)...

Are we talking about the version I just posted? (although the samples should
be the same in \VC6 CVS).

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