[ODE] quadtreespace collide2 patch

Jonge, W. de W.d.Jonge at cebra.tue.nl
Fri Oct 31 13:39:17 MST 2003


The collide2 function of the QuadTree will never test collisions with geoms
that are in the quad tree root block, to fix this use the following patch:

In collision_quadtreespace.cpp, dxQuadTreeSpace::collide2

change (line 576)

  else Blocks[0].Collide(g1, 0, UserData, Callback);


  else Blocks[0].Collide(g1, Blocks[0].First, UserData, Callback);

Could someone submit this into the CVS?
Note that to make the quad tree usable for trimeshes the aabbs for those
have to be computed correctly, I applied Aras Pranckevicius's patch to fix
AABBs for TriMeshes to do this, please enter this into the CVS as well.
Willem de Jonge

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