[ODE] recent dSetZero() patch wrong?

Adam D. Moss adam at gimp.org
Thu Oct 23 09:30:53 MST 2003

Nguyen Binh wrote:
> AP> It did make StepFast working incorrectly. The cause was in stepfast.cpp,
> AP> around line 740: "dSetZero (J, 2 *
> AP> m * 8);" shouldn't be commented out. I don't know the "meaning" of it, but
> AP> it seems from the code that dSetZero is actually needed there...
>     Yes, you are right! like *c, J is used as place holder for
>     Jacobian sub matrices and it should be set to zero on initialize.

Fixed in CVS.

(We must have gotten lucky with testing and gotten memory which
was already zero'd!)

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam at gimp.org   http://www.foxbox.org/   co:3
"i18n ought to be abbreviated i2n to make it quicker to write!"-snout

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