[ODE] Swept collisions?

Roel van Dijk roelvandijk at home.nl
Wed Oct 1 20:37:36 MST 2003

If you could come up with a way to do swept collisions you would also have to 
change the inferface. Now you use the dWorldStep function to 'advance' the 
simulation by some time interval. And collisions can only occur at those 
intervals and that causes tiny sphere's to fly through thin walls at high 
speed. But if you would do swept collisions a collision could occur any time 
between the intervals. How would you handle that? 
You could let dWorldStep return a value that says how much the simulation has 
advanced (in time) before the first collision(s) occured. 
Or you could let dWorldStep handle it internally. So it would run until a 
collision occurs and then start from there. And continue until the step time 
is reached.
I think swept collisions would make using ode more difficult, but I would love 
to have them.

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