[ODE] New Msvc6 project files

Billy Zelsnack billy_zelsnack at yahoo.com
Sun May 11 22:18:02 2003

>i've created new msvc6 project files for Ode, which should make
>using Ode under msvc6 a bit easier. Not that it is _that_ difficult
>right now, but this is still likely to save a bunch of people quite a
>bit of time. I've put them in a zip at www.xs4all.nl/~fxc/OdeMsvc6.zip
>I would be grateful if people were to try them out, and let me know
>if it works and whether they like them. A readme with instructions is
>included, which i've also attached to this message.

It worked fine for me. Thanks for doing this, I was about to do it myself.
Anyway, a couple comments, some picky.

Have it copy the resulting .lib file to the lib directory. I don't like
having stray projects in my workspace, I prefer just the lib.

Why is there an Ode_Headers folder and DrawStuff_Headers folder with each of
the test apps?

The Ode folder contains a single folder called 'Source Files' with both .h
and .cpp files in it, there should be 'Headers Files' folder too.

You could maybe add some stuff to config-single and config-double to help
with vc6 quirks.

#define for if(false) {} else for //fix non-compliant 'for' scoping
#pragma warning (disable:4305) // 'argument' : truncation from 'const
double' to 'float'

if you are feeling saucy, maybe a:

#pragma comment (lib, "opengl32.lib")
#pragma comment (lib, "glu32.lib")
