[ODE] Heightmapping collisions (was: Collision CSG)

amundbørsand amund at c2i.net
Fri Mar 28 06:39:01 2003

Just thinking about the general idea of applying a heightmap to a
cylinder and using that as collision detection, that would be extremely
useful for me as in my off-roading/rockcrawling simulator, my
(cylindrical) tires just won't bite witout any threat pattern, imagine
driving a steam roller over large rocks, won't get you far.. :) unless
they break into sand, of course. But this technique would be extremely
useful here, as I could model large lugs and aggressive threat patterns
that would actually grab the rocks and bite.. But that of course would
need the heightmap to be able to collide on it's "sides" so to speak.
Would be really cool though, even if it's just me who need it :)

"gl" <gl@ntlworld.com> skreiv:

> > That's pretty darn clever.  You could sample the mesh via raycasting to
> get
> > the heightfield data from it.  Anybody want to try it? : ).

> Thinking some more, if you only allowed negative offsets, then you could do
> normal cylinder collision tests before you'd need to test the heightfield...