[ODE] Compiling on unix

druhan druhan at waffle.cs.dal.ca
Fri Jul 18 10:39:01 2003

Hi all. I'm migrating my (working!) windows VC6 code to unix and I just can't 
get it to compile. Can anyone explain how to compile executables that use the 
ODE library in a unix environment? I was able to successfully make version 
0.035, i can see the libode.a and libdrawstuff.a libraries sitting in /lib. 
The test programs in /ode/test also compiled and run no problem. However I 
decided to try to compile one of the programs (test_ode.cpp) myself to make 
sure the paths are set properly, etc and with the command line

>g++ -o test_ode.exe test_ode.cpp libode.a libdrawstuff.a

I get the following response:

test_ode.cpp:24: ode.h: No such file or directory

So is it simply a problem of not having the paths set properly? I have my 
.bash_profile set to


and the /users/grad/druhan/ode is where all the ODE stuff is. Am I missing 
something terribly simple?

As for my own project, using VC6 I always have to set the project settings as 
- dump the files (main.cpp, windows.cpp, drawstuff.cpp) as well as several 
header files (drawstuff.h, internal.h, resource.h) in the working directory. 
Add the .cpp files to the Source in the workspace.
- add OpenGL by adding this line under the Project Settings/Link  - 
object/library modules section (opengl32.lib glu32.lib /nodefaultlib:"libc")
- under Resource Files in the workspace add ode.lib and resources.rc

So what the heck is the command line to do all that under unix?? :) My masters 
thesis is nearly complete and i need to start running the simulations on my 
solaris 2.7 box at work or my ol' PC will be chugging until the next millenium 
trying to finish. I'm pretty new to unix so any help at all would be greatly 

Kevin Druhan
MCSC Dalhousie University