[ODE] Linear-Time Dynamics using Lagrange Multipliers

Sergio Valverde svalverde at barcelona.ubisoft.es
Thu Jan 9 03:37:01 2003


Has anybody tried to implement the sparse solution method proposed in David
Baraff's paper "Linear-Time Dynamics using Lagrange Multipliers" (SIGGRAPH
1996 , pp137-146) (Section 7) This paper was recommended in the past in this
list as a good introduction for the LCP solving method used in ODE. 
It seems this method improves the current ODE method which is o(n^3)
in time and o(n^2) in space. The sparse solution involves only o(n) both in
time and space which is a considerable gain. Moreover, such low space
requirements enable fast solver implementation on PS2's VU.
