[ODE] Rotation again...

Nate W coding at natew.com
Sun Jan 5 20:01:02 2003

On Sun, 5 Jan 2003, Marco Vienup wrote:

> I created a Box and two spheres. The spheres are connected with a joint at
> the box.

Do you mean you have a single joint that connects the two spheres?  How is
the box connected to the spheres?

> Now I want rotate the complete Object (box + sphere). How can I do this ?

dBodyAddForce (BodyID, vecForce.x, vecForce.y, vecForce.z);

If you want all three to move together, you might want to do that to all
three bodies.  Otherwise you'll move one and the others will follow
according to the joints that connect them.

> If I rotate the box and then the sphere I become strange effects
> (box is begins bouncing and jumps away...)

Do the spheres and box interpenetrate at first?  If so, you're probably
just seeing ODE try to un-do the interpenetration.  Disable contact joint
creation between the box and spheres if you want the interpenetration.


Nate Waddoups
Redmond WA USA