[ODE] New project: Javaode (Java bindings for ODE)

Jani Laakso jani.laakso at itmill.com
Thu Dec 4 16:37:30 MST 2003

I would like to announce a new project called Javaode.


It allows developers to use ODE through Java.
Odejava's API should be complete for various simulations, but at least
trimesh support is still missing. The project lies heavily on swig tool
which does beatiful job on constructing Java bindings to C/C++ objects.
API comes directly from latest ODE (cvs), no extra encapsulation is
done,  and therefore it is easy to build new odejava even if ODE's own
API changes radically.

Download odejava and 3d demos:

Project's temporary www-page is on http://cray.tuug.org/~jani/odejava,
but the actual website is http://odejava.dev.java.net (still pending).
If you wish to try ode under Java, download odejava-0.1.1-full.zip and
click one of the four bat files under odejava directory. This package
contains all the 3rd party modules as well, just make sure you have
JDK/JRE 1.4.2 installed. The demos use either Xith3d (Jogl) or jme
(lwjgl) as their 3d renderer. The demos work only on Windows machines, I
haven't got time to compile linux / macos binaries of odejava yet. There
is a crude information on how to compile your own javaode native
library, if you know how to compile ODE, then compiling your own javaode
native library is no problem.

Below is a small intro on what to do with the demos:

-change simulations by pressing 1,2 or 3.  Keys q,w,e,a,s,d change box
sizes (select new simulation after this). Mouse drag with left mouse
button adds some spin to boxes and plain left click to bottom or top of
the screen gives big force to last object (try it with tower simulation
as all boxes are connected to each other using ODE's joints).

-you can try to drive around with a,d,w,s keys. b is handbrake (on/off)
and keys 1,2,3 change the camera position. Space resets the simulation.
Ode's parameters are bit hairy, fix if you want.

-runs console based test with couple objects falling to a ground, with
no rendered attached to it, so this is a bit dull demo.

-help is displayed inside the application

And, if you are interested of participating into this project, please
contact author by email. One last thing, huge thanks goes to Artur Matos
who kindly contributed the initial interface file to odejava project.
This really made things happen faster for odejava project.

Best Regards, Jani Laakso

Jani Laakso / IT Mill Ltd | Tel. +358 40 5898086 | http://www.itmill.com

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