[ODE] Cycle time 0.0

Russ Smith russ at q12.org
Fri Sep 27 19:53:01 2002

> I have seen that if a value of 0.0 is provided to dWorldStep in the 
> first iteration, even other values such as 0.05 are provided in the
> next iterations, the action doesn't start in the buggy demo. To
> demonstrate the issue, I have modified the buggy demo as follows :

if you make that change to the buggy and then run it with ODE in
debugging mode you will immediately get the error:

  "ODE INTERNAL ERROR 2: stepsize must be > 0 in dWorldStep()"

this error is not there just to annoy ... dWorldStep() uses the quantity
1/stepsize in various important places, so providing 0 is not going to
work, ever. when using the release mode build of ODE the buggy in fact
disappears instantly - those 1/0's infect the entire system state.


Russell Smith