[ODE] synchronizing network programs

pia dalusong ps_yumemi at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 25 05:55:02 2002


i'm still finishing my networking program using ODE.
it's a mobile robot simulator and i still have
problems synchronizing my mobots.

i'm using a peer to peer session so all the computers
send messages to other computers.

the messages contain the current speed, position,
rotation and other things i need.  
all i nedd is to compensate for the lag of the network
by checking the constant position of the mobot and
where it is suppose to be according to the data sent.

what would be the best way to do this?


i can't seem to make dBodySetRotation to work.  is the
matrix required for it in degrees? or in radians?


if i have two or more mobots in the system, what's the
best way to check if they collide?  coz the original
program only considered one mobot in the system.  
please consider that a mobot has not just wheels and a
body but sensors as well.

any suggestion is welcome.


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