[ODE] robotic simulation

Nate W coding at natew.com
Wed Oct 16 23:16:02 2002

On Sun, 13 Oct 2002, Max Lungarella wrote:

> i tried "juice", it's pretty cool, and well designed. the only problem that i
> have with it, is that i cannot export the models i realize. in other words, it
> would be neat if i could construct something using juice, and be able to
> import this something in one of my own programs. do you have plans do add
> similar feature?

I have no such plans, but I do plan to document the file format to help 
anyone interested in writing a translator or importer.  I'm also looking
at the Novodex file format as a possible replacement for the XML-based
format that Juice uses now.  

> ode is so easy to use and also aesthetically more pleasant ;)

I feel the same way!


Nate Waddoups
Redmond WA USA