[ODE] Boxiangle collision

Chris Campbell chris.campbell at lincmedia.co.jp
Thu May 9 21:35:02 2002

If anyone is interested, I added a triangle geometry object as a first class
citizen of ode, ie I changed my geom.h and geom.cpp files. For now, it is
similar to the plane object in that the parameters are always in global
coordinates and it's assumed to be static, and only collision against
spheres is handled, just so I could drive over my heightmap, yay... 

dReal coords[9] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};//vertex 1 (x,y,z), vertex 2
(x,y,z), etc
dCreateTriangle(0, coords);

Email zppz at yahoo.com... it might be worth mentioning that making 32768 of
these (for a 128x128 heightmap) uses too much memory, I will eventually need
to do it some other way. 


> I have some trouble with colliding a box and a triangle.
> I have a car with a bounding box (OBB) which can hit polygons 
> on the track.
> The track consists of all triangles, but since a dBoxTriangle (or
> dCollideBT) is missing, I'm generating contact points using 
> the plane of the
> triangle and using dCollideBP() (Box vs. Plane).