[ODE] [Algorithms] SOLID 3.1

Stephan Kaiser madmax at red-falcon.net
Thu Jul 25 03:53:01 2002

What about alternatives to SOLID ?
I mean, 10000 Euro for a commercial license is somewhat much for my needs...
(even though it's available free for private use...)
And alternatives, which compute penetration depth ?

>(from comp.graphics.algorithms)
>The long-awaited follow up to SOLID 2.0 is finally released by CEBRA at
>www.libsolid.com. SOLID is a software library for collision detection of
>geometric objects in 3D space.  Since the previous version 2.0 of SOLID,
>which was released in June 1998 by the Department of Mathematics & Computing
>Science of Eindhoven University of Technology, SOLID has evolved and matured
>to a large extent. New features as well as improvements for robustness and
>performance have been added. The most important changes in SOLID 3 are:
>â^' Use of single-precision floating-point numbers. The use of a 32-bit
>floating-point format is a requirement for games and other interactive
>applications that run on current PC graphics hardware and consoles.
>â^' Penetration-depth computation as a new response type. The penetration
>depth of a pair of intersecting objects is the shortest vector over which
>one of the objects needs to be translated in order to bring the objects in
>touching contact. The penetration depth can be used as an approximation of
>the contact point and contact plane, which are necessary for physics-based
>â^' Multiple scenes. This feature is useful when collision detection is
>required for multiple tasks. For instance, it is possible to maintain at the
>same time a sound scene, a scene used for visibility culling, and a scene
>for physics simulations, without the objects in different scenes interfering
>with each other.
>â^' Expansion of objects. Objects can be expanded spherically, i.e., a
>that defines the radius of the sphere that is 'added' can be set for each
>object. The object is the set of points whose distance to the shape is at
>most the margin. Margins are useful for creating objects with rounded edges,
>or 'sensitive' areas around an object.
>CEBRA offers binary SDKs of SOLID 3 for the Win32 and Linux platform. Use of
>the SDK is free for non-commercial use, and requires a license fee for
>commercial applications.
>Gino van den Bergen
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