[ODE] why setTransform() ?

anon anon" <anon at finitemonkeys.com
Wed Jan 9 13:50:02 2002

> Right.  Of course, ODE needs to stay general, so I think both need to be
> in there.
> RenderWare used to have a nice library and Macro's for doing fixed point
> or floating point.  

Absolutely. I do the same myself, just use macros to switch between the two
for the most part.

> I do think we should benchmark float vs double; I'm not as close to the
> hardware anymore, but I could take a shot on the PC side.  I'm running
> some large tests that did hammer the stack, so I could put in some
> QueryPerformanceCounter's here and there.  I'm doing some work that'll
> export to POVRay (ray tracing) in which the rendering times will be
> minutes to hours per frame, so performance is an issue but not as much -
> however, my scene complexity will be higher than a game as a result.
>                == John ==

Don't waste your time with QueryPerformanceCounter go straight for rdtsc
if available ( unless you are on an SMP and even then rdtsc is still a good
way to go)
