[ODE] How do you get apps to work with gravity=9.8?

ron taņeza ron.13 at lycos.com
Mon Jan 7 15:38:02 2002

On Mon, 07 Jan 2002 21:17:51  
 Russ Smith wrote:

>you're correct. the buggy wheel joints have vertical suspension, so
>if you increase gravity you will have to decrease the CFM of the
>suspension joints to make them stiffer.
Thanks, that did the trick. Now I'm just wondering why you don't use 9.8 for the gravity. Does it have something to do with stability? I now use 9.8 gravity, and I also don't set the softERP and softCFM flags in nearcallback (I set bounce though). I think it's more realistic.. I don't like seeing the objects almost "floating" like a feather (0.5 gravity), and I also prefer hard contacts for the objects (so they don't seem to penetrate through walls).