[ODE] Re: Bendy wheel problem

Jonathan Langridge jon_lgridge at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 6 05:57:02 2002

I'm using the pyramidal friction approx, afaik the most accurate available 
in ODE.

>From: "David McClurg" <dmcclurg@pandemicstudios.com.au>
>To: "Jonathan Langridge" <jon_lgridge@hotmail.com>,<ode@q12.org>
>Subject: RE: [ODE] Re: Bendy wheel problem
>Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 11:07:30 +1000
> > On another subject, in order to simulate the wheels I'm using 
>ellipsoids, and have written my own code to clip them. When driving across 
>an edge between 2 polys with a very small change in angle of slope betwen 
>them, two clip points can be generated very close together. Sometimes this 
>wreaks havoc with the physics, as I think Russ mentionned might happen in 
>this case. At present I'm tempted to just check for this case and combine 
>close contact points into a single average one, but I'm wondering if anyone 
>has found a more physically accurate alternative?
>AFAICT, it sounds like you need to use a better friction model.  i had a 
>similar problem.  see
>11.13. My rolling bodies (e.g. wheels) sometimes get stuck between geoms

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