[ODE] Accelerations

Adam Moravanszky amoravanszky at dplanet.ch
Mon Dec 3 09:03:02 2001


another problem.  I am using ODE in a networked environment: the usual game
client-server scenario.  Since ODE is for games, and games are usually
multiplayer, I expect the following to be an important ODE relevant issue.

In such games, the server usually does the simulation, and then tells the
clients all about the result.  Because of various properties of a network
I'm sure you are aware of, the bandwidth of the connection is usually
insufficient to provide the client with a high frequency update of all
bodies' positions and orientations.  The client has to be made more clever
by guessing how the server's objects move when it doesn't happen to receive

What games with simple 'physics' usually do, is to simulate these simple
physics laws on the client as well.  These simple physics involve collision
detection, collision handling with either velocity clamping or bouncing, and
acceleration due to gravity.  Since these interactions were usually between
a single object and a static environment, the client had no problem applying
these same rules of movement on its partial view of the world (the client
doesn't have all world objects locally, only the for it 'relevant' ones).
Thus, updates from the server to the client are only sent if the client
simulation for some reason becomes out of sync with the server.

The question now, obviously, is how this carries over to more sophisticated
physics with joints and resting contact ala ODE.

Until now, I have been doing ODE simulation on the server only, while the
client did a simple simulation of collision detection-less motion with a
constant velocity (the velocity sent by the server at the last update.)
This works almost well enough to use, but only almost.  When an object
accelerates due to gravity on the server, the visible movement on the client
is discontinuous.  When objects move slowly on the server as stuff slides or
interacts in various ways, the client pose drifts away from the server, only
to be 'popped' back to the right place.  Such pops are very visible, even
though the pop distance is but a centimeter or less than three degrees
orientation. (The current tolerance levels.)

The first fix I am considering is to simulate the accelerations on the
client as well.  Unfortunately, that would make it necessary to receive
acceleration infos from ODE, which it doesn't currently provide.  I have
looked at the ODE code, and seen that it doesn't use an acceleration value
internally either.  But you have something like this:

v[i] + stepsize*vnew[i];

Here, vnew could be considered as the acceleration.  Russ, what would speak
against making this value queriable?

The second fix would be full ODE simulation on clients as well.  I was
hoping I could avoid this, because it not only means a larger load for the
client, but I also need to code up some way on the server to detect if the
client has fallen out of sync, which is now much more difficult.  I also
need to find all objects which are needed to insure a correct world-subset
simulation on the client, somehow...  Lots of extra work for me, so I don't
like it at all.

Perhaps there are further intermediate solutions on the client, like doing
collision detection to prevent interpenetrations, but no proper collision
handling/resting contact.

